Auteur Sujet: Jeux de mots et lettres : Motus / Pendu / Baccalauréat  (Lu 716178 fois)

0 Membres et 6 Invités sur ce sujet

Hors ligne hebus93

  • Messages: 17 338
01 juillet 2013, 21h50

Hors ligne Ban

  • Messages: 2 134
  • So I guess... we'll... just see. Won't we?
    • Profile WTM (Ban)
01 juillet 2013, 23h50
Pendu : auteur / œuvre

_ I L L I A M / S _ A _ E S _ E A _ E /// L E S / D E U _ / _ E N _ I L S _ _ M M E S / D E / _ E _ _ N E
It's your move. You writin' to me? Well, I'm the only one here. Who the hell do you think you're writin' to?

Hors ligne guidegui

  • Messages: 11 503
02 juillet 2013, 12h57
un H

Hors ligne Ban

  • Messages: 2 134
  • So I guess... we'll... just see. Won't we?
    • Profile WTM (Ban)
02 juillet 2013, 16h02
Pendu : auteur / œuvre

_ I L L I A M / S H A _ E S _ E A _ E /// L E S / D E U _ / _ E N _ I L S H _ M M E S / D E / _ E _ _ N E
It's your move. You writin' to me? Well, I'm the only one here. Who the hell do you think you're writin' to?

Hors ligne guidegui

  • Messages: 11 503
02 juillet 2013, 16h56
un T

Hors ligne Ban

  • Messages: 2 134
  • So I guess... we'll... just see. Won't we?
    • Profile WTM (Ban)
02 juillet 2013, 19h26
_ I L L I A M / S H A _ E S _ E A _ E /// L E S / D E U _ / _ E N T I L S H _ M M E S / D E / _ E _ _ N E
It's your move. You writin' to me? Well, I'm the only one here. Who the hell do you think you're writin' to?

Hors ligne guidegui

  • Messages: 11 503
02 juillet 2013, 20h47
Un R

Hors ligne Ban

  • Messages: 2 134
  • So I guess... we'll... just see. Won't we?
    • Profile WTM (Ban)
03 juillet 2013, 01h12
_ I L L I A M / S H A _ E S _ E A R E /// L E S / D E U _ / _ E N T I L S H _ M M E S / D E / _ E R _ N E
It's your move. You writin' to me? Well, I'm the only one here. Who the hell do you think you're writin' to?

Hors ligne Lexicharlie

  • Messages: 3 453
03 juillet 2013, 08h01
William Shakespeare / les deux gentilshomes de Vérone
You're never fully dressed without a smile

Hors ligne Ban

  • Messages: 2 134
  • So I guess... we'll... just see. Won't we?
    • Profile WTM (Ban)
03 juillet 2013, 16h19
Tout à fait !  :bravo:

Ban 72
Manmanu55 46 
Guidegui 25
Lexicharlie 22  :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Pepita 22
Lauds 19
vrncmrs 17
Valou 13
hebus93 12
Baïzeunosse 11
Duam78 8
Udontknowme 2
Didoule 1
It's your move. You writin' to me? Well, I'm the only one here. Who the hell do you think you're writin' to?

Hors ligne Lexicharlie

  • Messages: 3 453
04 juillet 2013, 09h53
M _ _ _ _ _ _ _
You're never fully dressed without a smile

Hors ligne Ban

  • Messages: 2 134
  • So I guess... we'll... just see. Won't we?
    • Profile WTM (Ban)
04 juillet 2013, 13h49
It's your move. You writin' to me? Well, I'm the only one here. Who the hell do you think you're writin' to?

Hors ligne Lexicharlie

  • Messages: 3 453
04 juillet 2013, 14h53
M _ _ _ _ _ _ _
You're never fully dressed without a smile

Hors ligne guidegui

  • Messages: 11 503
06 juillet 2013, 10h51
j'ai pas tout compris avec les trois couleurs mais bon :


Hors ligne Lexicharlie

  • Messages: 3 453
06 juillet 2013, 12h30
Vert ok, rouge pas du tout et orange pas à la bonne place
M _ _ _ _ _ _ _
You're never fully dressed without a smile

Hors ligne Ban

  • Messages: 2 134
  • So I guess... we'll... just see. Won't we?
    • Profile WTM (Ban)
06 juillet 2013, 14h12
It's your move. You writin' to me? Well, I'm the only one here. Who the hell do you think you're writin' to?

Hors ligne Lexicharlie

  • Messages: 3 453
08 juillet 2013, 10h25
Ban 73  :thumb:
Manmanu55 46 
Guidegui 25
Lexicharlie 22 
Pepita 22
Lauds 19
vrncmrs 17
Valou 13
hebus93 12
Baïzeunosse 11
Duam78 8
Udontknowme 2
Didoule 1
You're never fully dressed without a smile

Hors ligne Ban

  • Messages: 2 134
  • So I guess... we'll... just see. Won't we?
    • Profile WTM (Ban)
11 juillet 2013, 23h10
Motus :

E _ _ _ _ _ _
It's your move. You writin' to me? Well, I'm the only one here. Who the hell do you think you're writin' to?

Hors ligne guidegui

  • Messages: 11 503
12 juillet 2013, 16h32

Hors ligne Ban

  • Messages: 2 134
  • So I guess... we'll... just see. Won't we?
    • Profile WTM (Ban)
12 juillet 2013, 20h24
Motus :

E _ _ _ _ _ _
It's your move. You writin' to me? Well, I'm the only one here. Who the hell do you think you're writin' to?