Auteur Sujet: Jeux de mots et lettres : Motus / Pendu / Baccalauréat  (Lu 714181 fois)

0 Membres et 1 Invité sur ce sujet

Hors ligne Ban

  • Messages: 2 134
  • So I guess... we'll... just see. Won't we?
    • Profile WTM (Ban)
04 septembre 2012, 14h00
It's your move. You writin' to me? Well, I'm the only one here. Who the hell do you think you're writin' to?

Hors ligne Lexicharlie

  • Messages: 3 453
04 septembre 2012, 14h42
Ban 32  :thumb:
Manmanu55 27
vrncmrs 17
Lexicharlie 14
Valou 13
Pepita 12
Baïzeunosse 9
Lauds 9
Duam78 7
hebus93 7
Guidegui 3
Udontknowme 2
Didoule 1
You're never fully dressed without a smile

Hors ligne Ban

  • Messages: 2 134
  • So I guess... we'll... just see. Won't we?
    • Profile WTM (Ban)
04 septembre 2012, 19h03
Pendu : chanson / artiste

_ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ /// _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _
It's your move. You writin' to me? Well, I'm the only one here. Who the hell do you think you're writin' to?

Hors ligne guidegui

  • Messages: 11 502
04 septembre 2012, 19h08
un E

Hors ligne Ban

  • Messages: 2 134
  • So I guess... we'll... just see. Won't we?
    • Profile WTM (Ban)
04 septembre 2012, 19h34
Hum désolé j'ai oublié un morceau du titre  :embarrasse:

Pendu : chanson / artiste

_ _ _ / _ e _ _ _ e / (_ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ / _ _ _ e) /// _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ e
It's your move. You writin' to me? Well, I'm the only one here. Who the hell do you think you're writin' to?

Hors ligne guidegui

  • Messages: 11 502
04 septembre 2012, 19h47
Un S

Hors ligne Ban

  • Messages: 2 134
  • So I guess... we'll... just see. Won't we?
    • Profile WTM (Ban)
04 septembre 2012, 19h53
Pendu : chanson / artiste

_ _ _ / _ e _ _ _ e / (_ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ / _ _ _ e) /// _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ e

Pas de S
It's your move. You writin' to me? Well, I'm the only one here. Who the hell do you think you're writin' to?

Hors ligne guidegui

  • Messages: 11 502
04 septembre 2012, 20h23
un N

Hors ligne Ban

  • Messages: 2 134
  • So I guess... we'll... just see. Won't we?
    • Profile WTM (Ban)
04 septembre 2012, 22h07
Pendu : chanson / artiste

_ _ _ / _ e _ _ _ e / (_ _ _ _ _ n _ / _ _ _ / _ _ _ e) /// _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ e

Pas de S
It's your move. You writin' to me? Well, I'm the only one here. Who the hell do you think you're writin' to?

Hors ligne guidegui

  • Messages: 11 502
04 septembre 2012, 22h18
Un A ?

Hors ligne Ban

  • Messages: 2 134
  • So I guess... we'll... just see. Won't we?
    • Profile WTM (Ban)
04 septembre 2012, 22h23
Pendu : chanson / artiste

_ a _ / _ e _ _ _ e / (_ _ _ _ _ n _ / _ _ _ / _ _ _ e) /// _ a _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ e

Pas de S
It's your move. You writin' to me? Well, I'm the only one here. Who the hell do you think you're writin' to?

Hors ligne guidegui

  • Messages: 11 502
04 septembre 2012, 22h26
un I?

Hors ligne Ban

  • Messages: 2 134
  • So I guess... we'll... just see. Won't we?
    • Profile WTM (Ban)
04 septembre 2012, 22h27
Pendu : chanson / artiste

_ a _ / _ e _ _ _ e / (_ _ _ _ i n _ / _ _ _ / _ i _ e) /// _ a _ i _ / _ _ _ i e

Pas de S
It's your move. You writin' to me? Well, I'm the only one here. Who the hell do you think you're writin' to?

Hors ligne guidegui

  • Messages: 11 502
04 septembre 2012, 22h28
un T?

Hors ligne Ban

  • Messages: 2 134
  • So I guess... we'll... just see. Won't we?
    • Profile WTM (Ban)
04 septembre 2012, 22h42
Pendu : chanson / artiste

_ a t / _ e _ _ _ e / (_ _ t t i n _ / _ _ t / _ i _ e) /// _ a _ i _ / _ _ _ i e

Pas de S
It's your move. You writin' to me? Well, I'm the only one here. Who the hell do you think you're writin' to?

Hors ligne guidegui

  • Messages: 11 502
04 septembre 2012, 22h48
Un R?

Hors ligne Ban

  • Messages: 2 134
  • So I guess... we'll... just see. Won't we?
    • Profile WTM (Ban)
04 septembre 2012, 23h56
Pendu : chanson / artiste

_ a t / _ e _ _ _ e / (_ _ t t i n _ / _ _ t / _ i r e) /// _ a _ i _ / _ _ _ i e

Pas de S
It's your move. You writin' to me? Well, I'm the only one here. Who the hell do you think you're writin' to?


05 septembre 2012, 00h32

Hors ligne guidegui

  • Messages: 11 502
05 septembre 2012, 00h33
Un f?

Hors ligne Ban

  • Messages: 2 134
  • So I guess... we'll... just see. Won't we?
    • Profile WTM (Ban)
05 septembre 2012, 02h19
Pendu : chanson / artiste

_ a t / _ e _ _ _ e / (_ _ t t i n _ / _ _ t / F i r e) /// _ a _ i _ / _ _ _ i e

Pas de S
It's your move. You writin' to me? Well, I'm the only one here. Who the hell do you think you're writin' to?